Some Like the Icy Cold...
Welcome Back 2019 Snowbirds!

Is Your Home Safe?
At Electrial Connections we take great pride in helping not only our customers but everyone in the communities we serve to stay safe.
As a winter visitor, or "Snowbird" as the natives say, we know yourFlorida home is important to you. That's why we have developed information here to help keep your home safe. When you need electrical help...we promise not to leave you out in the cold.
Click on the following links to make sure your home is safe from electrical issues and dangerous fires.
Remember...Electrical Connections Values Your Safety!

As you review our special Snowbird Safety Tips and information, please feel free to print a copy for your self and additional copies for friends and neighbors. The Wizard

Watch The Video
Tongue-In-Cheek Videos...And, Some On the More Serious Side for All Residents
Electrical Connections believes laughter is sometimes the best medicine. So, we have found some videos that may give you a chuckle or two. Please let us know if any of these videos are offensive as our goal is to not offend anyone but to make you smile today! Now, once you have have a good laugh, please pay close attention o the more serious videos as they may save you lots of dollars and lots of grief.
Ever wonder what "those southerners" women are saying when a hurricane threatens? Take a listen, yall.

All Videos
Check out the 3 videos above on roundabout Safety:
Pedestrians & Bicycles
All About the Roundabout
Roundabout Safety

Whether you are a Seasoned Visitor or a newcomer to the Treasure Coast, you should check out our special videos.
Don't forget, when you need electrical repairs or updates, Electrical Connecgtions is the Number One Choice of more customers than any other!
A Hurricane Survival Tip that is Good Year 'Round
Flood Insurance
If you are in a Flood Zone, you need to have flood insurance no matter if you live here seasonally or year-round. Check out this video.